Ablate And Pace. PDF fileAblate &Pace 発作性とは7日以内に自然停止するもの.持続性はそれ以上持 続するものを指す. Ablate&Pace=房室接合部アブレーション+心室ペーシング, *:保険適用なし 太線で示された矢印が第一選択.持続性の場合の第一選択は 心拍数調節であるが,保険適用の範囲を超えて除細動を追求す る.

Ablate And Pace Therapy For Rhythm Control In Atrial Fibrillation ablate and pace
Ablate And Pace Therapy For Rhythm Control In Atrial Fibrillation from Ablate and Pace” Therapy for Rhythm …

Steven D Sultan A Reddy V et al “Benefit of pulmonary vein isolation guided by loss of pace capture on the ablation line results from a prospective 2center randomized trial” J Am Coll Cardiol 2013 62 44 View Article Google Scholar 34 VilesGonzalez JF Gomes JA Miller MA et al “Areas with complex fractionated atrial electrograms recorded after pulmonary vein.

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Ablate And Pace Therapy For Rhythm Control In Atrial Fibrillation

Versus Defragmentation: The Pulmonary Vein Isolation CHASE
